Yale Connect

Manage Members and Other Group Officers

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Manage Members

A core responsibility of Group Officers is managing membership to their Group. To access Members, go to the Dashboard and select Members.

Members can join the Group in several ways, depending on the Group’s membership settings that have been configured: 

Members can select Join from the Groups page. By default, the Group is not set up for Auto-validation, and pending members cannot access the Group until they are validated. Group Officers can approve their membership through the Members pending validation notification at the top of the Members page.

Members are auto-validated. Group Officers can turn on auto-validation in the Access & Privacy tab in the Group Settings under the Dashboard. When auto-validation is turned on, users who opt to join the group do not need to be validated by Group Officers.

Members can be auto-added to the Group based on their account type. Group Officers do not have the ability to configure this setting. Contact [email protected] if you would like this membership setting enabled. 

Group Officers can add members to the Group directly, either one by one or several at the same time. To do this, under the Members menu, select Add Member in the top right and type the names or emails of the members you would like to add. Select Add when ready.

To add members in bulk, select Add Members in the top right and Paste List in the Add Members window that opens. Paste the emails of the members you would like to add and select Search. This will curate a list of the members you would like to add.

To remove members, select the checkboxes next to those you would like to delete, select the three dots next to Generate Report, and select Delete.

Manage Group Officers

As a Group Officer, you have the ability to add and manage other Group Officers in your Group.

 To add or remove Group Officers, go to the Dashboard menu and select Officers.

Select Add Officer in the top right to add an Officer. Select Permissions to check off the types of permissions each Group Officer has.

Info: By default, Group Officers are granted full access to the Group. To restrict access to only those permissions Group Officers need, uncheck those permissions.

To remove a Group Officer, select the checkbox near their name and select the three dots next to Generate Report at the top right. Select Delete.

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