Group Officers can create Connection Programs to allow users to search for and connect to an appropriate person or resource. This feature can be used for mentoring programs, advising meetings, and leadership programs.
To create a Connection Program, go to the Dashboard, select Member Success, and select Connection Programs. Click Create Program in the top right.
In the settings menu, select an owner and provide a program name and description.

Customize the default names of the Host, the Participant, and the Meeting.

Customize the Meeting Information with the following fields:
- Meeting duration
- Meeting time zone
- Buffer: Timeframe restriction to prevent back-to-back meetings
- Meeting minimum notice: Timeframe restriction that prevents users from booking meetings (Ex: If the timeframe has been set to two days, Users will not be able to book meetings that will take place sooner than two days from the current date)
- Meeting location
- Start date: Date and time at which the Hosts become available for meetings
- Expiration date: Date and time after which the Hosts are no longer available for meetings

Determine how Hosts and Participants will be able to apply to the program with the settings available in the Become a Host/Participant section.

Use the More Options section to complete final customization including:
- Activate Drop-Ins for the program
- Send meeting feedback request to Participant
- Apply Meeting Information settings to existing Hosts
Be sure to Save the program’s settings once configured.
To add Hosts to the program, select the name of the program and select Add Host in the top right (the button will display the label given to Hosts that was applied in the program settings).
Before Participants can book with a Host, Hosts need to:
- Sync their calendar with their Yale email account
- Select a location to meet with participants under the Meeting Scheduler editing menu
If you want to assign each Participant to a specific Host, next to the Host’s name, select the three dots to the right and select Assign Participants.
To grant access to Participants, select the three dots to the right of the program’s name and select Participant Access Rights. Select the users that can access the program.
Once the program’s settings have been configured, Hosts have been added, and Participants assigned access, select Publish to open the program.