Yale Connect

Create a Survey or Form

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Group Officers can use Yale Connect’s Surveys and Forms feature to collect data on Group registration and re-registration, event approval, Group member or event registrant preferences or feedback, one-time polling of Group members, and Group Officer elections. Yale Connect is not a dedicated survey tool, and as such, users that need to collect data beyond these uses should use Qualtrics, Yale’s licensed survey software, for administering a survey.

Group Officers are also responsible for ensuring that access to survey data is only given to other Group Officers who require that access. See the Manage Group Officers section above for information on how to set permissions.

Group Officers can create different types of surveys and forms for their Groups:

  • Forms allow you to collect any data or documents from individual users.
  • Surveys allow you to survey multiple users and review aggregate results.
  • Polls allow you ask a single question and view live results.
  • Elections allow you to create positions and candidates and view results.
  • Quizzes allow users to create questions and attribute points to correct answers. ​

To get started, select Surveys & Forms under the Dashboard menu and select Create in the top right.

Select the type of survey or form you would like to build. Surveys are the most commonly used.

Personalize the survey to include a title by clicking in the top left. You can also add an introduction on the first page.

Select Add question to add any of the following question types. You can add as many questions as you would like. Below are the types of question formats you can choose from:

  • Free text
  • Multiple-choice with single selection
  • Multiple-choice with multiple selection
  • Multiple-choice by selection in a dropdown
  • File upload
  • Date selection with calendar
  • Group list dropdown
  • Ranking options
  • Election
  • Signature
  • Quiz
  • User selector
  • Rubric

Once you’ve created your question and selected its settings, select Save changes.

To add a page, select Insert Page.

You can add display/hide logic so that child questions will only show if the appropriate choice was selected in a parent question. To do this, select the logics button next to the question that will serve as the parent.

Select Create Logic in the window that opens.

Select the logic type and conditions and click Save.

When you refresh your browser, you will see a notation in the logics button next to the question that shows how many lines of logic are applied to that question. In the example below, the question “Is there a better time to hold these events in the future that would work better for your schedule?” has one line of logic.

Tip: Display logic for parent questions that are a multi-select choice type should use "CONTAINS" not "IS". This will allow multiple answers to trigger multiple logics.

Once you’ve built your questions, pages, and logic, select Preview survey to test.

Finally, select Survey settings to configure access and setup.

Under the Open/Close/Cap tab in settings, make sure to check No next to Close survey so that users can take the survey. You’ll also need to enter an open and close date and time.

Under the Access Rights tab in settings, you can configure the following:

  • Whether login is required
  • If answers should be anonymous
  • If users can edit their answers
  • If users can only submit one time

When you select Access rights at the bottom of this tab, it will open a window where you can choose who is allowed to take the survey. You can also select the checkbox next to Group Page to publish the survey on the Group home page surveys tab.

For every setting that you configure, be sure to select Save at the bottom of the settings window.

To export results from a survey, select the name of the survey, check the checkbox at the top left of the survey responses preview window, and select Generate Report.

Next Article Setting up Auto-Approval on a Survey or Form
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